Friday, May 22, 2009

7 Essential Skills Your Diabetes Treatment Team Must Have

A recent publication was released in e-Plasty, an open access journal of plastic surgery. The subject matter of this article contain new guidelines for treating physicians (who may or may not be experts in diabetic foot disorders) to prevent amputations among diabetic patients.

We know that diabetes worldwide is becoming an epidemic. In the United States the growing population of diabetic patients is now almost 26 million. Because more and more doctors are being forced to take care of diabetic patients, guidelines are needed to provide guidance and standards to help all treating medical professionals understand the steps to take and ensure their patient doesn’t unnecessarily wind up with a diabetic below knee amputation.

This article cited seven essential skills that are absolutely necessary in order to provide the very best outcomes in terms of diabetic limb salvage.

1. Assess the circulation (blood flow) to the feet and legs to determine risk of gangrene.
2. Test for neuropathy to help determine risk of ulceration and amputation.
3. Obtain wound cultures to determine if any dangerous organisms such as MRSA are present. Use appropriate culture techniques.
4. Evaluate the depth and character of the wound. (Perform a wound assessment that includes both staging/grading of infection and ischemia.)
5. If necessary, be prepared to surgical drain any infection or surgically remove any dead tissue (gangrene) at the bedside (debridement).
6. Be prepare to evaluate the cultures and change the antibiotics to most effectively fight the bacteria causing the infection.
7. Continually re-evalauet after surgery, noting the risk of recurring problems in order to avoid re-ulceration, re-hospitalization, and re-amputation of the diabetic foot.

Over the next week or so, we will discuss each of these in depth.

Dr. Christopher Segler believes diabetic amputations are preventable. He teaches strategies that help his clients avoid amputation. He is also and award-winning diabetic foot surgeon, inventor and author. If you have diabetes, you can learn how to avoid amputation by more by requesting your FREE report “No Leg Left To Stand On: The Secrets Insurance Companies Don’t Want You To Know About Diabetic Foot Amputation” at

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